President's Message


Vanessa Ferdinand

President's Message

November 2024

Dear MORNA members, 

I am honoured to be your new MORNA President for the 2024-2026 term. I feel both excited and nervous for this role as I know I have big shoes to fill! I will work hard during this two-year term to serve you, our Members. 

I have served on the executive board in a number of roles-  as your Secretary, President Elect, and now as President.  I am thrilled to say that we currently have all positions on the executive filled!  We have been planning and preparing for the upcoming 2024-2025 year and I am so very excited for the education sessions and networking opportunities we have planned! This year also leads up to the ORNAC conference that will be held in Calgary, Alberta this year! Hope to see many of you there!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful fall, settling back into routines following the summer fun, and enjoying all things autumn. The leaves are turning, pumpkin spice can be found all around, and the weather is becoming cooler. It is hard to believe that winter is just around the corner.  November is a special time for Perioperative Nurses! It means it is time to celebrate our speciality! Perioperative Nurses Week will be celebrated November 10-16, 2024 this year. I encourage everyone to take a moment at your sites to recognize Perioperative Nurses Week. Take some time to celebrate this amazing speciality with your friends and colleagues. Celebrate each other. Celebrate your contribution to your patients’ lives. Let us know how your site is celebrating! Send in your pictures to We would love to hear from everyone!

I would personally like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you, for your commitment day in and day out to your patients and the profession. Some of the day-to day tasks we all face in the Perioperative setting are, but not limited to, being a patient advocate, being adaptable, working in a fast-paced environment, learning new equipment, collaborating with many multidisciplinary team members (just to name a few). Great job everyone! 

Throughout my years on the MORNA Executive, I have had the pleasure of working with and meeting members through education sessions, the wine and cheese event, MORNA and ORNAC conferences.  This year, your MORNA executive will continue to work on networking to bring our many sites together, hoping to have representation of Perioperative Nurses from all areas of our province. We will continue to promote professional standards, ORNAC standards, promote optimum patient care, advocating for Perioperative Nurses on issues affecting practice, and establishing resources for educational and research activities. 

If you have any ideas/suggestions/comments for MORNA, please do not hesitate to reach out. I would love to hear from you. I can be reached at


Vanessa Ferdinand RN BN

MORNA President

MORNA Executive 2024-2025

Vanessa Ferdinand RN BN President

Rachelle Lesy RN BN CPN(C) President Elect

Kary McCorrie RN BN Treasurer

Rona Chan RN BN Education Coordinator

Vickie Manning RN BN Secretary

Kassie Klassen RN BN CPN(C) Past President




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