- By joining MORNA, you become part of ORNAC (a strong National network of Perioperative Nurses)
- Continuing education through regular educational sessions & workshops
- A subscription to the Canadian OR Nursing Journal ( CORNJ )
- Reduced Rates at Provincial / National conferences
- Provincial/National Funding Opportunities ( available following one year of active membership ) Bursary, Grants, Awards
- Professional Volunteer Opportunities
- Networking with others in your field
- 4 issues of the ORNAC Journal: $63.00
- Online Education Module: $10.00
- Discount on spring workshop: $25.00
- Mileage provided to members to attend
- All website/operations/education sessions from MORNA meetings for the year
- Annual education funding: $300-500 per year
- CNA certification/recertification funding: $150.00 per year
For more information about your benefits, please visit:
- Active members
- Nurses with an active ARNM membership who are involved in the perioperative care of the patient
- Operating Room Staff Nurse
- Operating Room Educators
- Operating Room Nursing Researchers
- Operating Room Nursing Management
- Associate Members
- Recovery Room Nurses
- Members at large
- Graduate Nurse or student from Manitoba
- Registered Nurse who is non-active in Perioperative Nursing but continues to support objectives of MORNA
For detailed registration information, please visit:
Membership is based on a rolling annual system. You can join any time of the year and your membership will be good for one full year from the date you registered. You can renew at any time during that year to increase your membership by another full year from your initial registration date.
Registration is handled online through our national organization, ORNAC.
Individuals wishing to join MORNA can fill-out their registration information directly on the ORNAC Members & Associates website and pay securely online by clicking the link below.